India launches safeguard investigation on imports of unwrought aluminium
The World Trade Organisation (WTO) has informed that India has launched a safeguard investigation to determine whether increased imports of unwrought aluminium is causing a threat or is adversely impacting the prospects of the domestic industry.
According to WTO, India notified the Commitee on Safeguards that initiated on 7 April a safeguard investigation on "not-alloyed ingots of unwrought aluminium."
A safeguard investigation seeks to determine whether increased imports of a product are causing, or is threatening to cause, serious injury to a domestic industry.
During a safeguard investigation, importers, exporters and other interested parties may present evidence and views and respond to the presentations of other parties.
A WTO member may take a safeguard action (i.e. restrict imports of a product temporarily) only if the increased imports of the product are found to be causing, or threatening to cause, serious injury.